
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shop it up: Vintage Marquee Lights

Waiting for a sign was not me hoping that some mythical creature would appear or the next lotto numbers to emerge from scattered stones.  I literally have been waiting for my sign...
and it arrived.

Oh happy me.  A vintage sign.  My very own.  

I have been spotting these yummy's all over the shop... Pinterest, Shelter Mags, Look books, and Catalogues.  Not to be out done, I investigated and luck behold I found.

I found Jerrad and his skills of vintage marquee goodness.  Him and his lovely wife make and own Vintage Marquee Lights. They sell a glittering array of rust and coloured rust signs, symbols, letters and numbers.  They can be joined up to make works or simply stand alone.

They rock my eyes.  So did their sweet movie.

Teeeeeeensy problem.  They came with bulbs that hated our NZ voltage.  I fixed that issue and bingo-mingo we have light.  Not cheap to fixaroo but do-able none the less.  If you are to order one from Jerrad, I'm happy to assist with the conversion - just contact moi.

Here's my red arrow in ma kitchen.  S'lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! And great to have you back in the bloggesphere!! I think you should import these. The import, the conversion, it just puts slackos like me off the whole thing. Just putting in my request for solar lights though. Just an idea...... Rx
